Why Go Greek
Let’s look at some statistics about collegiate fraternal organizations:
- 85% of the Fortune 500 executives are fraternity members.
- 76% of our nation’s senators are fraternity members.
- 71% of the men listed in Who’s Who in America are fraternity members.
- Of the nation’s 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by fraternity members.
- All but two U.S. Presidents since 1825 have been fraternity members.
- All but two U.S. Vice Presidents since 1825 have been fraternity members.
- 63% of the U.S. President’s cabinet members since ’00 have been fraternity members.
- 85% of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices since ’10 have been fraternity members.
- Over 70% of students who are Greek graduate, while under 50% of non-Greek students graduate.
- Less than 2% of an average college student’s expenses are fraternity dues.
- Over 85% of the student leaders on the campuses with Greek life belong to a fraternity/sorority.
John Worthen, Northwestern ’54
Former President, Ball State University
“Greek organizations are, in general, a positive force on the campus, providing significant opportunities for student involvement, the development of close and lasting relationships with others, and for learning leadership skills.”
James Barksdale, Mississippi, ’65
Former CEO, Netscape Communications
“It’s tough hiring good people. It’s always a great testament to a man if on his resume it says he’s a Sigma Chi.”